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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

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Taste the Difference. Coffee by the Roast™ customizes retail pouches of 100% Arabica, specialty grade coffee. Pick the coffee & roast level. 600 grams of raw, green beans are roasted to order in small batch roasters & shipped. Get the best, freshest coffee, your way, conveniently delivered.

Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010

Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010 Coffee
Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010 Coffee

Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010


A cutting edge “Third Wave” espresso inspired by those enjoyed in modern Japanese coffeehouses. A lively, heavy bodied espresso with chocolate overtones, floral topnotes & barley sweetness, Kyoto shines through lattes & other milk-based drinks. Makes excellent Cold Brew.

Roaster's Choice: Full City

Roast Level:
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Straight up or tossed into a milk-based drink, espresso shots add zing to any time of day.

Suggested Roast Level: Full City (super automatics), Northern Italian (automatic and manual systems).

* Want your coffee ground? Leave a note in the box for Additional Instructions at check-out. Tell us your brewing method (French Press, home drip machine, cone-shaped pour-over, etc.), and we'll grind your beans for the perfect cup.*

(All coffee in decaf espressos are decaffeinated with a water process that does not use chemical solvents)

Each roast = 600 grams green coffee. You'll receive approx. 18 oz. of roasted beans. Pulls about 35 double shots of espresso.